Five Things Friday - Music Edition

I know, I know. It's Saturday and this post is Five Things Friday

What happened you ask? Well going to the movies happened. Life happened and by the time I got home I passed out I was so tired. So here I am bringing to you Five Things Friday....on a Saturday. That's ok though because I put a little twist in it this week. Instead of sharing things with you, I'm sharing music with you this week. Exciting!!!

1. Latch (feat. Sam Smith) - Disclosure

My brother told me about this song and I seriously have had it on repeat ALL week! It's House music and the only other House music I really listen to is Daft Punk (Love Them!) but this song is making me expand my horizons for sure! Disclosure is a duo of brothers based out of the UK. I don't know how popular they are in the US but they are starting to get a following over in their home country. 

I love this song because there are so many layers and levels in it. The beat is contagious. The melody is somewhat haunting. Sam Smith, the vocalist, is a powerhouse. There's so much passion in his voice and I love it. You can check out the video below. 


2. Hold On, We're Going Home (feat Majid Jordan) - Drake

I've loved Drake ever since he came out with his first album. (I never watched Degrassi so I never thought seeing him as a rapper/hip-hop singer was weird) He's been in a lot of new songs lately but they're all hood/rachet songs and honestly (in my opinion) all those songs are just a bunch of noise, not music. But when he released his new single "Hold On, We're Going Home" I was like "This is the Drake I know and love!" 

This song makes me wish I had a boyfriend so I could dance with him to this song. It's not too fast, not too slow, it's just right. Drake's vocals are perfect and Majid Jordan's vocals are amazing too! (I thought he was Justin Timberlake at first) Check out the video below. 


3. Heartbeat - JJAMZ

Maybe it's because I'm going through my own dilemmas right now, but I love this song because I feel like I can relate to it so much. I discovered this band by watching VEVO videos late at night. (I felt like I was watching late night MTV or VH1) This song sounds happy almost but the lyrics are kind of sad. This definitely had an 80's feel to it and I love it. The video is kind of weird but that's ok, what videos aren't weird these days? I went to their website and found out they have a free download of the song. Score! If you like it, you can download it too. Check out the video below. 


4. Applause (Purity Ring Remix) - Lady Gaga//Purity Ring

When I saw this posted on Lady Gaga's Facebook page, I immediately clicked on the link to listen to it and I was blown away. First of all, I love the original, but this ! A Purity Ring Remix of the song?! No frickin' way! I must have died and gone to heaven! I adore Purity Ring and had the privilege of seeing them in concert in St. Louis. Their concert was amazing! They put on a great show and their music is just beyond me and that's why I love it! They're considered electronic music but to me they opened a whole new door of music for me. Their sound is so different and I love it. Deep bass, electronic and peculiar sounds bound together by airy yet dream-like vocals. Amazing. Lady Gaga, she's a genius! People may think she's odd, but she's so talented and creative. I love it. This song is a perfect blend between the two. The music behind it and the bass thumping is just amazing. If you have good headphones or great speakers I would recommend listening to it on them. Without it you can't hear everything and trust me there is a lot going on in this remix! I will be playing this on repeat this week. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do. Check out the video below. 


5. Take Back The Night - Justin Timberlake

Oh Justin, you never cease to amaze me.  I swear I always smile and turn into my 11 year old fan girl self whenever I see him. I have loved this man ever since I was in 6th Grade and I don't plan on stopping. He is so talented, it's amazing. He writes, sings, produces, dances, acts. He truly is an all around entertainer. I admire him so much! I definitely want to be like him. When 20/20 Experience came out I went to the store to get a physical copy of the cd. I stopped buying cds years ago and went all digital but for JT, I needed the actual cd. It was that important. I swear I listened to that cd for a month straight. It is so good. When I found out there was to be a Part II, I flipped. I can't wait for it to come out but for now we have this wonderful song to keep us busy. 

I love this song because it reminds me of music from the past, when music was good, when it had feeling and soul. I know that's what he's going for and I love that about him. You know it's good when you and  your parents can groove to it. I hope you like it because I love it. Check out the video below. 

I hope you have a fabulous weekend and jam to these songs these next couple of days!  

xoxo Iquo